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6 Underground

How do I tell you what to expect from 6 Underground. I know Michael Bay is the director which probably sets the level for everyone’s expectations. This was Netflix’s recent large investment an all star cast, a heavy hitting director and multiple renown locations. Honestly with the rise of streaming services I always wondered what would happen when they decided to just release straight to my TV . This helps me answer that in a small way big Blockbuster films usually have the same problem especially the ones directed by Michael Bay. The cinematography in this movie is amazing the action is packed to the gills, the locations are absolutely beautiful and the cast interacts with each other in a ridiculously comical manner. Now if I was to stop there it would be a perfect movie but sadly that is not all that matters. The story is shaky and the chaotic approach at planning and follow through leaves a lot to desire. All in all if you want to see a movie chalk full of the Ryan Reynold’s comedy one liners and charm it’s a must-watch.

Rating 3/5 watch ability 4/5

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