
Welcome to Should I?

Intro One of One

Ever read a blog section which talked about both Beauty & Finance? As much as it’d be great if your answer were no, I’m sure somewhere out there it already exists but if you did answer no, then welcome to “Should I?”! The name’s Christina and in this section I’ll be answering the questions we all may ask ourselves every once in awhile like: “ Should I dye my hair this seemingly in season color even though all the style articles say it’s a warm color and I’m not quite sure what that ev en means?” or the occasional, “Should I go out with my coworkers tonight? I mean it is payday... ” question. Not to say I’ll have all the right answers but I can definitely say I’ve asked myself some of these questions a few times so what I will have are the answers I’ve come to on my own. 

Whether you’re male or female, either topic can apply to you but most likely finance a bit more than beauty for the guys (biased statement, I know) and today both topics are spoken about everywhere - magazines, advertisements, blogs etc. Sometimes it's spoken about from the point of view of a professional and can be very educational but here I’ll be covering them from the Average Jane point of view. Starting with budgeting: the earlier you attempt to budget the better  and it's also never too early to start. Not everyone gets it right on their first try because I definitely didn't and only about 3 years into it I finally understood why it's so important. In regards to beauty, but more specifically hair, well.. that's something I could go all day about but I'll save that for another time. With that said, whether you read it all or not, thanks for checking in and until next time!